This exercise promotes proper flexion of the hip joints while limiting rotation at the knee and ankle.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms relaxed out to the sides, palms up
*** Ankles, knees, hips and shoulders should be in alignment ***
2. Place a pillow between your knees
3. Place a strap around your ankles so they can go no more than hip width apart
4. Simultaneously push your knees into the pillow while pulling your ankles/feet outward against the strap
* Keep your upper body relaxed
* Hold this position throughout the exercise
5. Lift and lower your feet about 2 to 3 inches off the floor using the muscles in the front of your hips/pelvis
6. Repeat as directed on your menu
“No pain No gain" is not always right in Grizzly Studio. We believe in "Be better Be stronger" instead. We aim to teach people to work out and to live a pain free life.