1. Sit on chair and place your feet on a slant board. Your knees need to be at least 2 inches above your hip level. Get your feet hip width and pointed straight ahead.
2. Place a yoga block or pillow between your knees. Squeeze and release. 20 times.
3. Squeeze the block and maintain constant pressure on it for the following foot/ankle movements.
4. Using the muscles on the front side of your lower leg, lift the balls of your feet and toes up off of the slant board. Now, only the heel is in contact with the board. Return them to the slant board and repeat as directed.
5. Using the muscles on the back of your lower leg, push your heels up off of the slant board. So, now only the feet and toes are in contact. Return them to the board and repeat as directed.
“No pain No gain" is not always right in Grizzly Studio. We believe in "Be better Be stronger" instead. We aim to teach people to work out and to live a pain free life.
