This promotes the relationship of the muscles and joints throughout the spine while promoting hip stabilization.
1. Start on your hands and knees.
2. Place a strap around your ankles so they are 4-6 inches apart.
3. Walk your hands about 6 inches forward and then move your upper body forward so that your shoulders are again above your hands but now your hips are forward of your knees about 6 inches.
4. Roll your hips forward to put an arch in your back and collapse your shoulder blades together.
o Your hips are slightly forward of your knees and shoulders are directly above your hands.
o Keep your elbows locked straight, fingers should be pointed forward.
o Drop your head and relax your stomach.
5. Gently pull out against the strap and release.
6. Continue as directed.
“No pain No gain" is not always right in Grizzly Studio. We believe in "Be better Be stronger" instead. We aim to teach people to work out and to live a pain free life.
